99%+ Success Rate
You too can pass the FAA exam on your first try, just like over 99% of our students who had no prior experience in aviation. We guide you comprehensively, from start to finish, through the process of obtaining your pilot’s license.
(No time limit, you are enrolled for life)
5,700+ students and growing
You too can pass the FAA exam on your first try, just like over 99% of our students who had no prior experience in aviation. We guide you comprehensively, from start to finish, through the process of obtaining your pilot’s license.
Our training program comprises 4.5 hours of video content that is thoughtfully structured into 12 distinct categories, each designed to facilitate efficient self-paced learning. With our organized approach, you’ll be able to focus on specific areas of interest or concern, while also gaining a comprehensive understanding of the material.
After completing each lesson, test your knowledge with our self-quizzes. Our answer key provides comprehensive explanations for each question, allowing you to understand why a particular answer is correct.
Maximize your exam performance by reviewing crucial concepts with our 4-page cheat sheet. Our comprehensive resource consolidates key takeaways from each lesson, providing a centralized and effective study tool.
To enhance your learning experience, we provide a downloadable note sheet that corresponds with the slides used in each video lesson. This convenient resource allows you to follow along with the lesson material, take notes, and consolidate your learning in one place.
Although our videos are edited to maintain a fast-paced delivery, you have the flexibility to pause the course at any point to delve deeper into a specific concept.
Our former Microsoft engineer and test prep company founder has successfully guided more than 800,000 individuals to pass various professional certification exams and standardized tests. Now that expertise in test preparation has been brought to drone aviation.
No time limits. We regularly update our online training course with the latest industry insights, and our students receive lifetime access to their course.
Includes Night Operations, Flying Over People, and Remote ID.
I used this app to prepare for part 107 and it did what it was supposed to. I passed on the first attempt within a week of getting the app.
Gave me a lot more confidence in the whole process. I felt confident walking in the door and passed with a 87% This was the only resource I payed for and in my opinion it was well worth it.
After 30 minutes of studying the cheat sheets in this app, I went in to the testing center, took an hour to complete the exam, and scored a 93%
Enroll in any paid Part 107 course and get a printable cheat sheet.
Four pages cover everything you need to know to pass the test, from Numbers and Regulations to Charts and Airspace.
Doers like you are making a full-time living using their skills and finding success on their own terms.
How do I get FAA certified?
There is just one thing you need to get certified – pass the test. There are no prerequisites prior to going into the testing center other than registering and paying for the exam and knowing the material. They don’t care where you got your knowledge, just that you have it. One more thing, you need a clean background check from the TSA, which is run after you’ve passed the test and applied for an airmen certificate with IACRA.
How long does it take?
Everyone studies at their own pace and let’s face it, some need an instructor-led class and an ear to ask lots of questions. Most adults are quite capable of doing self-study, however, and that’s who we build our courses for. They’re designed to be concise, accelerated courses. Most of you are going to be ready for the test after about 10-12 hours of study and practice tests.
Do you have a study manual or something?
All study material covering what you need to know for the test comes from the FAA. The problem for most students just getting started is finding out what those are and where to get them. No worries. We’ve taken care of that for you by including exactly what you need – links to all prerequisites are in the course. Specifically, there are three publications you need: Remote Pilot Study Guide, Advisory Circular, and the Testing Supplement.